Tuesday, October 11, 2005

new and different work

Here is a poem that was originally three poems that still might be four or five more poems that i am really liking right now. it feels disjointed still, but i like some of the things that its doing, any suggestions?

We are beautiful and oblivious when we eat ice cream on Saturday afternoons

I would like to slip myself into the pocket of everything.
Every woman and man,
and also every pigeon and every grain of cinnamon and every five o’clock shadow.
Also every Cumbia beat.

There are men and women born knowing how to dance Cumbia beats.
I would like to slip myself into their pockets as well.
(as they move)
And also there are women and men born able to understand my favorite nightmare
of floating in Lethe and trying to breathe air that isn’t air but


(which I place by itself because it is a strong word and deserves to be there)

I imagine there are many, who when reading this
And knowing there is someone else waiting like a lightswitch
To be in the pocket of things also
Take a great strength, and rise and live for a moment like Fezziwig.
(and also his daughters)

Slip now into my pocket, because
It’s a Saturday afternoon
And I was so very lost just now.

This is sudden,
If I were a pill would you take me, concentrate?
Would you push my past your throat?
I hope you would, because I am sweet
And asked it so nicely of you just now.


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