Friday, September 30, 2005

hah, its been a long time

i am so impressed with editor girl's blog. it is the motivation behind this blog, which will necessarily be random. so, im in the library on wed. (my 25th b-day i might add) and im reading 2 nephi 3 and all of the sudden the ideas start hitting my brain so hard that i pull out my computer and just start stream of consciousnessing them all down. i will paste the doc. here and let you guys make sense of it.

Just like the world has a fullness of time, each one of us has a fullness of time. You must be prepared, having wandered through the wilderness, for your fullness of time. (creative), when it comes. What is the fasting you must do to prepare yourself, what are the temptations you must face, the questions? You like this analogy because it compares you favorably to the savior. How are you a savior in the creative sense…you certainly seem to write from that perspective. Also 2 nephi 2 has inspired all these musings. Also, man would not be if there were no purpose in the end of his creation (direct inference). There should always exist a purpose in the end of your creations, whether it be to inspire a mood, convey, communicate a message ,or change a behavior, your work should always strive towards a purpose. Then it will be strong, powerful and lasting.

Also, sin is a leaving of eden. Every time you sin you change the state of your life from one state to another. There is no staying in any garden after any sin. the move is just as permanent as it ever was. repentance is a returning to eden. Repentance is a movement back to god, or a changing from one state of being towards a more godlike state. Therefore, no one can repent and remain in the same state, that is not true repentance.
I sin against my family, I immediately leave the state I was in with them (a happier state, a more complete state) and move into a less godlike state. Repentance is a returning to eden. I cannot express how moved I am by this idea. This is something that has to find its way into the realization and redemption songs (maybe the to be sung poem)…

Also, all free verse has a form, just that no one has described the new markers of form yet. (all of this from 2nephi2). Because if something is without form, it has no meaning, and no poet will admit they desire to create something that exists wholly without meaning. Our poetry is better now, because the secret hidden forms are better. There are no definite structures because we have moved intellectually past them. a new and greater game of tennis is being played with a spider-web net. You could write a treatise on what makes up the net, and you could talk about how inherent talent is much more important nowadays than formal training. And how frost was the exception because he supplied both. Also, you could talk how this new response is limiting the audience for poetry, because one who reads poems now has to be one that understands a little how the net is made up, and if they don’t, they wont get anything beyond the pretty parts. Also, the degree to which we understand the net is the degree to which we are able to decipher the poem…meaning the amount of skill in setting up the net and then serving the poem that we are able to recognize in the poet is directly proportional to the enjoyment and respect we have for that poet. The key to winning any contest is finding a reader who understands your net and appreciates how you play your game. I am sure of this. I think ive figured it out. And now, this is much more difficult because there is no standard net (no metrics, no form that can be used to differentiate). Maybe the power of the imagery is the only net we have going, the use of enjambment, the escape from sentimentality, the genius-vaguery…but I am not so sure if these are the nets that we should really be playing with. Maybe you should play your net of sincerity, or directness….maybe this is more of a net for the masses.

ahhhhhhhhhh, stream of consciousness. how i love it, and how it must anger my punctuation based friends. enjoy unpacking that little jumble. the "net" i refer to is the metaphor that Frost set up when he said that "writing free verse is like playing tennis without the net".

have a great friday.


Blogger editorgirl said...

Yes, it has. And you should be impressed with my blog. I'm a genius.

I enjoyed your "stream of consciousnessing," although I'll probably have to read it at least seven more times before I completely take it all in. I'm particularly intrigued by your musings on poetic form (go figure). I doubt Susan would applaud them, but that's not important. I'm glad to see someone defining their position and their underlying sense of order in their poetry. . . and you will now tell me that I'm wrong and to be quiet. But I won't be. Hah.

And what punctuation-based friends? I don't know any punctuation-based people; do you?

September 30, 2005 at 3:05 PM  

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