Saturday, July 09, 2005

sin piedad

i have an hour left before my 24 hour promise with EG expires and i fall into bloggers prison. im glad for good friends to push me back into blogging.

I have been waking up with fully formed songs, poems, thoughts in my head recently. It is the strangest thing. I woke up last week with a full song in my head, chorus, bridge, melody, complete with some cool lyrics. of course, i went back to sleep and when i woke up it was gone, but there have been a few things that have stayed. here is one haiku from a few weeks ago.

porcelain containers,

break like a whisper,

spill their contents like a sigh.

In other news, there is a red tide happening here in san diego. at night the dynoplankton (at least thats what a friend said they were) light up the breaking crests of waves with their electroluminescence. I have been going down to the beach every night, usually to different beaches to watch the waves breaking. even late at night the beaches still draw a crowd. I was with a friend the other night, and she remarked that it seemed like something occult, all these people gathering on the beaches to watch the waves glow. in the darkness, before a set comes in, the sea is black, but then waves break in quick succession and the wash is bright green. Glowstick green. It is really amazing. Now, i am no marine biologist, but ive heard that a red tide is horrible for the environment, as it shows how global warming and pollution are destroying the delicate balance of the ocean. I hear that shellfish are dying, and that the tide is evidence of a sickening earth. If that is the case, then i think its ironic that we congregate on the beach to watch the glow. Almsot in the same way people would congregate to watch a nuclear sunrise, but on a much smaller scale. There is something very meaningful in that relationship between sickness and beauty. I leave it to other april-ites to expand. if you want to see the tide first hand, well, ive got a pretty empty house here in SD and a lot of time on my hands.

have a great weekend one and all.

EG, you are now on the clock. 24 hours. dont fail me.

p.s. i'll explain the title in my next blog


Blogger Kristen said...

I thought that it was called cyanobacteria...but I too could be wrong.


July 10, 2005 at 11:29 PM  
Blogger editorgirl said...

Don't leave it up to us to pull out your images. You do it here, put it down in some other form. (Insert me smacking you here.) You did the same thing with your cat in the orchard in the fog.

You're on the clock now, my friend. And go.

July 13, 2005 at 12:49 PM  

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