Monday, November 07, 2005

back from surgery and new work

i tried to blog again through the widget but failed, so here is the second attempt. im back from surgery and working again. i also now have someone new in my knee length cast...which we affectionately refer to as "Boot". sometimes i love boot, sometimes i hate it. sometimes he is a he, sometimes she is also poetically a she. but one thing is clear, boot is real and constant and a force to be reckoned with (and great at kicking old pumpkins i might add)

i will DEFINITELY post more about boot.

here is some new work for a class i am in

Prelude to an Elegy for a Homeless Man

For you, something bold and elegiac
Like the 1872 painting of a great wooden ship
Cresting a wave
While behind the ship a sun breaks
From out the storm--
Brilliant white paint.

Yes, something like that
Or choral music,
Or even tuxedos.

Or some general
In some noble war against tyranny
Issuing some order demanding sacrifice--
Artillery flares red behind him
In the predawn.

All this because you were
a small man,
With broken shoulders
Whom I saw everyday on the corner
Outside my ramshackle office
Until one day I did not see you
And asked the others who are still always on the corner
And they said you had died.
And they said it like a fact,
without grief.

So this for you,
For your broken teeth.
For your beard that came in patches.
For your junkie's crush.
Something great and sad
Because you were not a chorus,
Or a general
Or a sturdy wooden ship against a wave.


Blogger Kristen said...

I think it's lovely. really. Only I don't know why it's a prelude to an elegy because it is, in fact, an elegy. and you use the word elegaic in the first line.

November 9, 2005 at 5:27 PM  

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