Thursday, December 16, 2004

First Post EVER

So, to all that have been giving me the cold shoulder for not having yet submitted to the gravitational pull of the blog community, here I am. And I have nothing to write today, except the promise that I am going to be completely honest with this thing. I hope I don't scare any of you away. I have come to believe that the best work is always the stuff that is brutally honest. Sometimes this means being brutal about myself, or letting you guys see stuff that is written with very few filters between it and my deepest levels. I tend to think that is the stuff which is most memorable. And...I desire to be have the images float in heads for as long as I can.
"Forget that passionate music. It will end/ True singing is a different breath/ about nothing. A gust inside a God, a wind." -Rilke, sonnets to orpheus.

-yeah, whatever that means. check back tommorow.


Blogger Kristen said...

Hey man, awesome blog. It's totally dark and moody in here, and what is that I smell? Incence?

December 16, 2004 at 10:11 PM  
Blogger editorgirl said...

*Applause* I'm looking forward to this blog.

Oh, and "I desire to be memorable"? In thirty years I'm going to be teaching Aaron anthologized.

December 16, 2004 at 10:15 PM  

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