Thursday, December 23, 2004


first off, sorry i havent been in touch. There is a lot to be done in NYC and so little time. About that last post, I agree with HMP about the last stanza, there needs to be more images. I will work on it. I havent been working much here, too much going on. But i have written a few Haiku's. But before those, i will tell you a funny story. We went to Fiddler on the Roof last night, and during intermission we noticed old country singer Glen Campbell in the lobby. He' s pretty washed up, and i didnt really remember anything he has sung, but i wanted to go up to him and say: "Hey, Glen, I just wanted to tell you that i think The Dance is a great song" and he'd say "Uh, i didnt write or sing that song" and I would say "I know, but youve got to admit its a great song" and then i'd stand there until he did. that would have been pretty funny.

OK, on to the Haiku's
-new york is a big city:

someone is writing,
identical words

-go out and read "archaic torso of apollo" by Rilke, (sorry that i keep referring to him, but that is what im reading now, and it has an effect)

the look on the face
of the fifth burgher of calais:
"you must change your life"


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